Safeguarding Champions
Safeguarding Champions
The children in school have nominated a group of children from year 1 to year 6 who will be instrumental in leading on safety within the school, from a child’s point of view.
This can range from assessing safe areas in school, ensuring other children feel safe in school and know who to talk to about their worries. They take their role seriously and follow the rules of our school and are good role models. Also, they help the children in our school make good choices about keeping themselves safe.
What is the vision?
- For all children within the school to feel safe and be able to approach someone if they have a concern.
- All children have a right to be safe, but also have a responsibility to risk assess the decisions they make and the consequences of their decisions.
- To prepare children for life in modern Britain and be able to keep themselves safe from harm.
- For all children in school to be aware of our lanyard system and who the DSL’s are in school.
- For all children to be aware of online safety and how to keep safe online.
What is the philosophy?
- A selected group to represent the school context:
- Girls and boys
Who will lead? How will other staff be involved?
Mrs Kershaw (Deputy DSL) will share the information with Miss Hudson (Headteacher/DSL) and Miss Guest (Deputy Head Teacher and Mental Health Lead/DDSL)
How will children be selected? Which groups will be represented?
A selection of children from year 1 to year 6 have been nominated to become Safeguarding Champions in our school.
Key skills and attributes for the group (Can be discussed at the first meeting).
- Ability and understanding that concerns need to be communicated with an adult
- Articulate
- Committed to the role
- Strategies to be able to support others
- Strategic role – planning ahead for areas to work on
- Ability to identify key areas in policies
- Able to use their own initiative
- Parental support – to enable pupils to discuss issues raised at home
Roles and responsibilities
- To help keep all children in our school feeling safe
- For children in school to know who they can talk to about their worries
- To be approachable, kind and friendly
- To help children in our school keep themselves safe from harm
- To take their role seriously and follow the rules of our school as good role models
- Identifying safe areas in school
- Creating a leaflet for our school about the role of the team to give to children
- To help children in our school make good choices about keeping safe.
- To review our child friendly Safeguarding policy annually.
Autumn 1:
Autumn 2:
Spring 1:
Spring 2:
Summer 1:
Summer 2:
Class Questions
We have completed a whole school survey on safeguarding in the Autumn Term.
we asked the children a following questions:
What makes you feel unsafe in our school?
What makes you feel unsafe outside of school?
How do you keep safe online?
How does our school keep us safe online?
The answers and suggestions will help to shape our work this year.