Provision for those children with with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is a strength of our school. Children are fully included in all aspects of school life and are very well supported by staff and skilled teaching assistants. This was noted in our most recent OFSTED report published in January 2020: 'Teachers adapt the curriculum well to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. These pupils are well supported and included'.
During different times in a child's school life, a child may have a special educational need or require provision that is additional to or different from the usual Quality First Teaching that is in place for all our children.
At Darley Dale Primary School, all teachers are teachers of children with SEND. Working within the Graduated Approach to SEND provision, all staff work to ensure that all children make progress and receive personalised support. The Graduated Approach is developed through cycles of Assess, Plan, Do and Review (APDR). The cycles of APDR provide personalised targets, and are outlined in our My SEND Learning Plans. Our My SEND Learning Plans allow us to carefully monitor and assess the impact of provision, identify the outcomes of the provision and plan new targets to ensure progress is being achieved. Teachers review and discuss these plans 3 times per year, typically at each parents evening in conjunction with parents and the child themselves.
On this page you will find statutory policies and additional information around SEND. Please contact our SENDCo, Rhalina Kershaw, for further information.
What our parents think about our SEND Offer.
DDPS’s approach to understanding our autistic child’s needs has been outstanding. They made everyone aware of his how to best accommodate him, even lunchtime supervisors! His specially tailored education plan is delivering results and giving him the education we feared would not be possible. We truly believe that DDPS has gone above & beyond and recommended it to anyone who faces the same challenges as we have.
Autism Advocates Training Programme
We are delight to be working alongside the Derbyshire Autism Outreach Team and the Autism Education Trust through taking part in the Autism Advocates training programme.
Programme Intent:
- To create a skilled and confident workforce;
- To improve inclusion and quality of life;
- Access to high quality settings;
- To improve long term out comes.
Our SENDCO has taken part in the two day training course and delivered the training to our staff.
For more information on the training programme please use the link below:
SEND Policy and Information Report
Useful Links for Parents
Please see the Padlet below for all of our useful links