We have the following dress code to ensure children are dressed appropriately for school. We strongly believe in aiming for high standards in all areas of school life, personal appearance is one of these. Our dress code fosters a sense of pride and belonging in the school community:
- Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with school logo if possible)
- White or Royal Blue polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
- Dark grey or black trousers or shorts, skirt or dress ~ no jeans or joggers (with the exception of joggers for 'Active Uniform' in Reception)
- In summer, girls may choose to wear blue gingham / striped dresses
Navy fleeces are also available as are a range of outdoor coats with the school logo.
Shoes need to be black and appropriate for school and black - trainers are not allowed (although the trainer-style black shoes are acceptable).
In a Primary School only very basic jewellery items are appropriate. By this, we mean watches and simple stud earrings, no necklaces (for health and safety reasons). Children will be asked to remove ear studs for swimming and PE. Obviously in a primary school, nail varnish, hair dye and make up are not appropriate.
PE Kit
All children will need a change of clothing for PE. Our PE Kit consists of: a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts, plimsolls for indoor use and trainers for outdoor use. Obviously in winter months, tracksuit bottoms and fleeces should be worn.
When swimming (Year 4 children go swimming every week), children need: a one-piece swimsuit or swimming trunks (shorts and bikinis are not allowed) and a towel.
Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Preloved Uniform
With the cost of living (and school uniform) being so high, and with the environmental impact of clothes waste, you will find located in the Reception foyer two cabinets filled with preloved school uniform, PE kit, shoes, trainers and coats. Please come and have a look and help yourselves – all free of charge to good homes!