Children are admitted to the school in accordance with the Admissions Policy set out by Derbyshire Local Authority The Local Authority co-ordinates admissions to all Derbyshire Primary Schools. Essentially the authority acts as a ‘clearing house’ for all admissions and enables parents to express a preference for one, two or three schools and to place these preferences in rank order. The Admissions and Appeals Team will answer any questions or queries you may have. They can be contacted on 01629 537479.
The published admissions number (PAN) is 30; this is the maximum we are permitted to take. Please read our Admissions Policy below for further details.
Admissions to Years 1-6
If vacancies arise during the school year, priority will be given to:
- Brothers and sisters of children already on the roll at the school
- Children within the normal school catchment
Parents considering sending their children to Darley Dale Primary School are always welcome to visit by contacting the school to arrange an appointment.