Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing are at the forefront of all that we do at Darley Dale Primary School. We are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of all our pupils, families and staff.
Everyone is different and requires varying support at different times to help them recognise, process and work through their emotions. There many activities planned into our school day that support all of our children.
- An exciting Enrichment Curriculum (see our Enrichment Curriculum page)
- All children have Forest School or Gardening sessions
- A Reading Spine which includes themed books on mental health and wellbeing
- Assemblies
- PSHE Matters
- Calm areas around school
This is all shown in our Mental Health and Wellbeing Pathway, which also highlights other, more focussed support which may be required such as Positive Play, ELSA and Lego Therapy.
We have a Senior Mental Health Lead in school, Miss Guest, who is closely supported by Mrs Kershaw (SENDCO) and Mrs Harrod. Teaching staff have carried out the Place 2Be Mental Health Champions training to support the children at Darley Dale with their Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Coming Soon : Moodtracker
Darley Dale Primary School Mental Health and Wellbeing Pathway
Everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We are here!
You can contact Miss Hudson or Miss Guest on the following email:
Useful Websites:
These websites offer resources to support children's mental health and wellbeing.
Support Services:
Samaritans - 116 123 or email
Mind - 0300 123 3393 or text 86463
Childline - 0800 1111
Chat Health-
Derbyshire LGBT+ Youth Service
Cost of Living Support:
Everyone is feeling the financial pinch at the moment, some people more than others. If you are finding times hard at the moment, contact Miss Hudson or Miss Guest at . There may be some support that we can offer or we will be able to signpost you to some useful support.
The following links may provide some support.