This year we are introducing a new spelling scheme and home learning approach. We recognise that spelling can often be an area of the English curriculum that children can struggle with. We also acknowledge that home learning in terms of spelling can be tedious and not always a task that the children are excited to complete! Often children learn spellings for a weekly test, yet do not embed these words into their long-term memory. We hope that Spelling Shed will not only improve spelling attainment but also help to generate some excitement. Educational research and indeed our own experiences here in school, demonstrate that children’s engagement increases significantly through using online and highly visual resources. This online format allows for us to monitor progress and set tasks according to gaps that may arise. It is responsive to the children’s learning.
Each week, your child’s class teacher will set an assignment that takes the form of an interactive game. The game gives four different degrees of support in the form of difficulty modes: Easy, Medium, Hard and Extreme. As the children complete their assignments and move through the different levels, they will accrue points. The scores achieved give a league position and each class has its own league position within a school league and a world league. Spelling Shed also allows for collaborative learning at home with other children in the class by setting up their own “Hive” games.